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News & Notices

The Call - Sunday 9th Feb at 6pm, Holy Cross Church

Join us as we come together with members of other local churches to pray for our community of Bearsted.


Churchyard Working party - Sat 22nd Feb at 9.30am

Please note that the first working party day for 2025 is Saturday 22nd Feb. 9.30 am.  There will be a lot of tidying up to do especially with Christmas wreaths etc. You'll need gloves, sheers, a bucket, and stout shoes and a bottle of water. Please could you spare an hour to pop over and lend a hand.  We start at 9.30 am. Thank you. Patricia


Sponsor Melissa

You may wish to sponsor Melissa Carter, our previous curate – she is running the London marathon in aid of the guide dog charity. You can find information here


Quiz Night

St. Mary's Thurnham is holding a "Quiz Night" on Saturday 1st March at Detling Village Hall starting at 7:30pm. Tickets are £10 (Including Supper). Tables of 6-8 people. Tickets are available from DIONE NYANGON (07876 378691).

All proceeds go to the restoration of this fine building.


Church of England Lent Resources - Living Hope

Our previous curate, Cathrine is one of the CofE's Lent book contributors!  From the Church of England's Lent webpage:
'This Lent we are encouraged to put down deep roots of hope by connecting with God who is with us at all times.  The Church of England’s Lent theme for 2025 is Living Hope. In Lent we journey with Jesus on the difficult and thorny road that leads all the way to the cross on Good Friday – and beyond, to the transformation of Easter Day. God invites us to bring to him our own journey through everyday life. In the disappointment of daily setbacks and the pain of deeper hurts, we discover that God is present with us. And God promises a future where all things are healed and made new. Living Hope offers us the opportunity to deepen our hope in God and be part of what God is doing to bring hope in the world.

The readings and reflections explore how we can have hope in times of frustration or uncertainty; the hope found in joining with others; the invitation to notice signs of hope around us; the courage to face reality and pursue a hopeful future; and the ways God transforms death into life at Easter.'

The reflections have been written by Cathrine Fungai Ngangira and Belle Tindall – both contributors to Wild Bright Hope: The Big Church Read Lent Book 2025 (SPCK) – together with Victoria Mason more information , Everyday Faith Editor for the Church of England.  More information can be found here.'

The themes will also be explored in the Everyday Faith App more information here, if you don't have it already.  Alternatively, you can sign up to receive emails here from Ash Wednesday until Easter on the link here.


​Sound Desk

We need help with the sound desk for Baptisms on 9th Feb, 11th May, 22nd June & 13th July all at 3.30pm. Please contact the office if you are able to help -


Pianist Required

We need a pianist to help play for a baptism on 11th May to accompany the Holy Cross singers.
Please email if you are able to assist. 


Typing help

An elderly member of our congregation at Holy Cross is wanting help with typing up his autobiography. Please contact the office if you are able to help.


Thank you from The Family Trust 

Thank you for the support you have given The Family Trust in 2024. 

We look forward to continuing to partner with you in 2025! Please consider following The Family Trust on Facebook, @TheFamilyTrustUK and explore our website here for more information. 

Thank you     James Alder


Roseacre School - new Kingsquad

We have teamed up with The Family Trust to start a Kingsquad school club at Roseacre in the new year and now we need some volunteers to run it. Depending on the number of children we need around six volunteers to run the club on a rota basis - could you be part of the team? No previous experience required and training will be provided. Please consider joining this outreach project which, particularly during interregnum, maintains that vital link with youngsters. More information here or contact Sandra Knatchbull or Andy Haines to sign up!


Church Flowers for 2025

A big thank you from both Joan and Kym to all those of you who have generously contributed both time and money to ensuring Church looks beautiful for festivals, celebrations and in memory of your loved ones.

All flowers are funded by donations and it is that time of year again that we request that you consider giving funds in memory of a loved one, a special event, birthday or anniversary.  Unfortunately, as with most items, floral costs have increased over the last few years so a minimum donation of £20 would be welcomed, and please let Kym know of any special requests regarding preferred colour or type of flower.  Contact  with your preferred week and requests.   


Winter Shelter

Are looking for volunteers in several capacities. Please help if you can. All info can be found here.


Food Banks

Many thanks for the donations for the Maidstone Food Bank which is run by the Salvation Army.  The food bank is open every Wednesday and on one occasion last month they had 65 people needing support.  The box is in Holy Cross Church porch and lists the non-perishable items that are particularly in need.  Several bags of donations were delivered last week and the organisers sent their very grateful thanks to you.  The next delivery will be on 5 February, assuming there are enough items to take, which will help support families in the Maidstone area.  A big thank you, again!  Julie Pennells


Giving at Holy Cross

Most parishioners give to Holy Cross through the Planned Giving Scheme which we can reclaim the tax back on. However you can also give and make a donation to Holy Cross using your smart phone. Details on the various ways to support us can be found on our Give page  but you can also use this QR code to make a single payment. Thank you.


Volunteering in our Church Community

If you have a moment to spare there are always opportunities to volunteer, to help our community.   If you can, please contact the Church office here, and they will connect you with the opportunities!


Support Holy Cross through your on line purchases using Easy Funding

At no extra cost to you we can earn a small percentage of the purchase price through Easy Funding. So the next time you make an on line purchase give it a try.  They have links with most major online outlets, including Amazon, John Lewis, Next and many more. Simply register your support for Holy Cross by clicking here, which will guide you to registration and then the store you select. You must however, do this through the Easy Funding portal link.  Save our page in your favourites... and, without over encouraging you - get shopping! 

​To ensure your giving remains anonymous follow the simple instructions here.





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Kent ME14 4EE


tel: 01622 631530


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