Welcome to...
New Way Sunday worship is informal!
We meet in the Bearsted & Thurnham King George V Memorial Hall.... Arrive at 10.15am for a freshly brewed coffee or tea. The service starts at 10.30 and normally lasts for an hour, or maybe a little longer. We have a very varied approach, but what we aim to have is an informal contemporary worship time which includes: modern songs, talks, prayer time, activities for kids and youth … and sometimes discussions and quizzes, but always at the heart of it will be God's word. Once a month we have communion, which you are welcome to join in if you normally receive communion elsewhere, or simply receive a blessing. After the service the cafe re-opens… and the conversation continues... And, on certain days we fuel the conversation with cakes!
Every month we have a new blog, written by one of our leaders of the congregation, which you can find on the button to the right.
And... if you want to get a flavour of the kind of worship songs we sing why not dip into our Spotify playlist on the button to the right.